Ruhnke Review 11/1/2024


We are Learning About:

Groves/Phonics: We continue reviewing rhyming, knowing the onset (beginning sound), final sound of a word, the letters and sounds, digraphs (ch, th, sh, wh, & ck), and working on handwriting with each letter/sound. We finished all the lower-case letters, and are now working on the Capital/Upper-case letters. We have begun learning new concepts such as the “Floss Rule” & the “Consonant Blend” rule which is: when 2 or more consonants are next to each other in a word, each letter says its own sound, but they are blended together & it is called a consonant blend. An example would be the word flag. the letters f & l each say their own sound, yet they are a blend of the two letters. Another example would be the word truck. This word is unique in that it has a consonant blend with the letters t & r, and it has the digraph ck at the end of the word.

Math: PLEASE, if you haven’t already, take out your Addition flash-cards that were on the 1st Grade supply list. Please help your child practice 10 minutes every evening!! We will be taking addition timed-quizzes 0-12 later in the school year (around January/February). We may do some practice quizzes before Thanksgiving!! We have finished Chapter 4: Addition & Subtraction Relationships within 10. We have begun Chapter 5: Measurement & Length. Vocabulary: length, shortest, longest, compare, measure, unit, estimate, ruler, inch & inches, inch ruler. The students will be ordering objects from shortest to longest or longest to shortest using 1st, 2nd, 3rd. They will be using a small paper clip to measure objects or connecting cubes to measure. They will also be using a ruler measuring by the inch or inches. If your child comes home with a cube or a ruler to use for their homework, please make sure that it is returned to St. Jerome each day. We will need them to continue our lessons at school. Thank you. The paper clip should be kept at home so that they will have it for several homework sheets. We will begin chapter 6 when we are done with chapter 5. Chapter 6: Place Value to 100. Vocabulary: tens, ones, ten rod, tens number, two-digit number, hundred chart, count by 2’s, count by 5’s, count by 10’s. Students will be breaking down numbers. for example: the number 32 would be 3 tens and 2 ones, or the number 76 is 7 tens and 6 ones, etc.

Religion: We have been going over to the church to practice for our upcoming Mass on November 6th. If your child has a reading part in the Mass, that reading came home with a note asking you to practice with your child. This is very important so that they will know how to: read carefully, with good intonation, read it slowly & smoothly, to use their voice projection and not mumble so that it will be heard by all. Thank you for your help. Chapter 5: “Adam & Eve” The Lessons are: Creation of Adam & Eve, Taking care of God’s Gifts, The Gift of Grace, & Children of God. Chapter 6: “A Sad Story.” Lessons: The First Sin, Gifts are Lost, Grace is Lost, The Promise of a Savior. Chapter 7: “A Time of Waiting” Lessons: Noah Obeyed God, Abraham Obeyed God, Abraham Had Faith in God, Abraham’s Trust & Thankfulness. Chapter 8: “Getting Ready For the Savior” Lessons: God Sends Prophets, The First Prophet, Rules for Life, The Last Prophet. Chapter 9: “Mary Hears Some Wonderful News” Lessons: Mary, Full of Grace, Mary Says, “Yes” to God, Mary Our Model, The Rosary is Mary’s Prayer.

Reading/CKLA: “The Human Body.” Lessons will include: Everybody has a Body, The Body’s Framework, Marvelous Moving Muscles, Chew, Swallow, Squeeze, & Churn, The Body’s Superhighway, Control Center-The Brain. This unit is also where November’s memorization poem comes from!

Star of the Week

November  4, 2024

Quinten K.

November 11

Leo B.

November 18

Evelynn M.

A couple of times a month we will have a “Star of the Week” student in our classroom. This entitles the student to be the line-leader, to lead the morning calendar routine, to share/tell all about him/herself by filling in a small poster sheet. This will come home a couple of days, or so, before they are the star. Please have your child fill in the information about themself & color it to make it look nice.

Memory/Sight Words:

Again, this year your child will be working on Memory/Sight words. I will list them here as we do them so that you can work with your child at home, also. We have begun with some review words from last year. We will continue learning more each week. Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words every day, both reading them and spelling them.

a, I, and, the, is, was, as, has, to, do, go, no, me, be, we, see, you, are, her, his, or, for, said, of, my, by, like, one, he, she, have, they, were, there, where, from, what, come, some, new, any, many, out, our, saw, how, now, look, old, cold, hold, sold, child, wild, mild, find, kind, mind, bolt, colt, jolt, post, most, two, should, would, could, so, both, put, over, under, after, here, your, once, give, live, shove, again, against, been, does, goes, know, very, every, too, talk, walk, down, into, want, only


In 1st Grade, the students will have homework most nights. This is what to expect:

1. Math. Almost every night your child will have 1-2 math worksheets to do. Please help your child so that they understand what they are doing (if you have trouble with it, look at the sheets we did together in class. This will show you what/how to do the problems on the homework sheets).

2. Daily reading. Your child should be reading 20-30 minutes every day! As I stated above, fill out the Reading Log every day with how many minutes your child read, then sign it (or initial it), and send it back to school at the end of each month. Sr. Audrey, our Reading/Literacy Specialist will be giving your child a book in a bag every day. Your child should read the book at home, then return it to school the next day, and Sr. Audrey will give your child a new book to read. This reading will count towards minutes read on the “Reading Log” also!!

3. Monthly Memorization. This is usually a poem of some sort. Each month (although September & October are together), I will send a memorization piece home with your child. Please work on it each day for 10 or so minutes until your child memorizes it. I will be listening to each student recite the poem at the end of every month. The St. Jerome Pledge came home for the September & October Memorization poem. All students that were at St. Jerome School last year in Kindergarten said it every day , so they should know much of it already! In November, I will send home another poem or memorization piece for them to know by the end of November. Thank you for helping your child learn these!

September & October: Saint Jerome School Pledge. November: Dr. Welbody’s Heroes,“ December: “Star Light, Star BrightJanuary: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little StarFebruary: “The Owl and the Pussy-Cat” March: “The PastureApril: “Rope RhymeMay: “The Swing

4. Prayers. We will continue to work on the prayers that your child began learning in Kindergarten. I sent home a sheet with the prayers your child needs to work on. PLEASE don’t throw it away, or lose it! This could be kept on the refrigerator for all to see, and so that your 1st grader and your family can say these payers together daily. This way, not only are they learning the prayers, but they will also be praying to God and with the entire family!! What more could you ask for??!! Here are the prayers your child should practice/say: 1) Sign of the Cross 2) Glory Be 3) Hail Mary. 4) Our Father. 5) Grace (Prayer) before Meals. 6) Angel of God.


On Tuesdays and Wednesdays there are teachers here to help with homework. It runs 4-5pm and is $5.00 per child per day. There are no buses to bring your child home from this, so you would need to be here by 5pm to pick up your child. If you would like to sign your child up, please call the office at 651-771-8494.

Rake-A-Thon :THANK YOU!

Thank you, parents & students, for your participation! Our class had 100% participation! Also, the entire school earned a day to play, “TURKEY BINGO!” They earned this by having everyone in the school participate. We had 100% participation in the Rake-a-Thon!!!

Specialist Schedule

Monday=Phy. Ed/Gym

Tuesday=Phy. Ed/Gym & Music

Wednesday=”The Forge”(Science & Art)


Friday=”The Forge” (Science & Art)

Upcoming Events:

11/1 All Saints Day—Holy Day of Obligation. Please join us for Mass at 9:45am

11/2 All Souls Day-Let’s pray for all those souls in purgatory, especially all of our loved ones.

11/6 1st Grade Mass! The 1st graders will be helping with the mass. Please come and join us at 9:45am.

1/7 Conferences 4 pm to 8 pm.

11/8 NO SCHOOL: Conferences 9 am to 4 pm

11/15 Picture Retake Day. If want your child to have their picture retaken, then he/she may be out of uniform. If you ordered pictures and are not happy with them, please send them back to school, then your child will have their picture taken again.

11/20 Harvest Meal @ 6pm-7:30pm. Please come and bring a dish that your family loves to share with others!!

11/26 End of first Trimester! Turkey Bingo Day!! The whole school will play “Turkey Bingo" today!!

11/27, 28, & 29th NO SCHOOL-THANKSGIVING BREAK. Let’s give thanks to God for all that we have.

Annette Ruhnke