The Ruhnke Review 5/22/2023
We are Learning About:
Groves/Phonics: We will begin learning about another nasal sound the /nk/. The vowel a sounds a little funny when it’s followed by the nk. for example, it sounds like /ank/ in sank. Then we will learn these new concepts: vowel digraphs: ee, which has the long /e/ sound & vowel digraph oa, which makes the long o sound, & the suffixes -ing & -ed. Last week we worked on compound 2-syllable words with beginning VCe syllables. Along with the VCV(e), Vowel/Consonant/Vowel that we learned, we continue to practice the vowel digraph ‘ai.’ Vowel digraphs are two vowel letters that go together to make one new sound & one tap. An example would be the word, ‘sail,’ ‘pail,’ ‘wait,' & ‘vain.’ We just finished learning about the /ng/ nasal sound like the word “sang.” This changes the vowel ‘a’ to sound a little funny. We continue to practice syllables, one and two syllable words, and where to divid the word correctly.
Math: We are really working on our Addition & Subtraction!!! PLEASE, work with your child to memorize their addition math facts! When they know all of these, then continue on to help them learn their subtraction math facts! If you haven’t done so, Pull out the Addition + & Subtraction — flashcards that I gave to each of your children. They are behind the Memory/Sight Word flashcards.
Religion: . “A Sad Story” The lessons are: The First Sin, Gifts are Lost, Grace is Lost, The Promise of a Savior.
Reading/CKLA: “Early World Civilizations” The Lessons will include: Stories: A Father and His Son in Mesopotamia, Writing in Mesopotamia, The Religion of Babylon, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, People of the Nile, Writing in Ancient Egypt, Amon-Ra & the Gods of Ancient Egypt, Approaching the Great Pyramid, The Sphinx, The Story of Hatshepsut, Tutankhamun-the Golden Pharaoh-Part 1 & 2, Three World Religions, Judaism.
May(Last One) Scholastic Book Order:DUE Monday, May 22
Your child should be reading at least 20-30 minutes Each DAY! The April book flyer went home early April. If you can’t find yours, please go online to and look at the flyers there, then when ordering use the code RGVYW. Orders are due by May 22nd. If you would like to place an order, the easiest way to do so is online. Use code RGVYW. If you would rather fill in your order using the flyer, please send it back to school in an envelope marked “Scholastic Book Order” with your child’s name on it. Put a check or cash in the envelope for the total $ amount. Thank you!!
PLEASE, send a water bottle to school every day with your child. It has been getting warmer, even hotter outside lately. The children come on from recess very thirsty. When they bring their water bottle to school, it is much easier, and faster, for them to get a cold drink! The drinking fountain usually has a long line to get drinks. We are not able to stand out in the hall getting drinks all day. Water Bottles make it so much easier and quicker to get hydrated again!!
Memory/Sight Words:
Again, this year your child will be working on Memory/Sight words. I will list them here as we do them so that you can work with your child at home, also. We have begun with some review words from last year. We will continue learning more each week. Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words every day, both reading them and spelling them.
a, I, to, the, in, it, is, at, as, on, and, you, was, has, do, go, no, me, be, we, see, are, her, his, or, for, said, of, my, by, like, look, any, many, out, our, should, would, could, one, he, she, they, love, new, saw, post, most, how, now, your, what, when, were, will, here, where, there, their, then, come, some, made, make, many, into, more, down, find, than, these, about, two, time, first, just, little, went, want, very, off, who, why, way, our, yes, put, name, good, man, other, been, long, part, write, words, which, call, called, water, people
May Memorization Poem: “The Swing” & April Poem, “Rope Rhyme”
Please help your child memorize the poem, “The Swing” for the month of May. I will assess the students the week of May 22-25th. Also, most students did Not memorize the April poem, Rope Rhyme,” so I will give them the chance to memorize it then assess them when I assess them on “The Swing” poem. THANK YOU!
Field Day, June 6th!!
On this day, please check the list below to see which team your child is on. It will tell you the color of the team, so please have your child wear a shirt (T-Shirt) the color of their team. Also, your child should wear tennis shoes/sneakers, (NO crocs, NO sandals, NO flip-flops). Make sure your child has sunscreen on before they come to school, please. BRING a WATER BOTTLE!!! And, your child most likely will get wet, so have them bring a change of clothes!!
May Reading Logs will be DUE on June 1st!!
PLEASE send in your child’s Reading Log for the month of May. It is due June 1st. A parent/adult should sign it when the child has read for the day. The adult should also fill in the number of minutes your child read that day. They should be reading at least 20-30 minutes daily. It should then be returned to me at the end of the month/beginning of the next month. This is something that must be done, this is NOT a choice. It will affect the student’s grade. PLEASE work with your child on this and return these completed reading logs!!
Field Trip to Minnesota History Center
On May 31st we will be leaving the school at 9:30am to go to the Minnesota History Center. We will eat lunch when we return, at 12:30, a little bit later than usual.
In 1st Grade, the students will have homework most nights. This is what to expect:
1. Math. Almost every night your child should have 1-2 math worksheets to do. Please help your child so that they understand what they are doing (if you have trouble with it, look at the sheets we did together in class. This will show you what/how to do the problems on the homework sheets).
2. Daily Reading/Reading Log: Your child should be reading 30 minutes every day! Please fill out the Reading Log every day with how many minutes your child read, then sign it (or initial it), and send it back to school at the end of each month. Also, Sr. Audrey, our Reading/Literacy Specialist will be giving your child a book in a bag every day. Your child should read the book at home, then return it to school the next day, and Sr. Audrey will give your child a new book to read. This reading will count towards minutes read on the “Reading Log” also!!
3. Monthly Memorization. Each month I will send a memorization piece home with your child. Please work on it each day for 10 or so minutes until your child memorizes it. I will listen and assess them at the end of each month. Thank you for helping your child learn these! Here is a list of the poems they will be memorizing: September & October: Saint Jerome School Pledge. November: “Dr. Welbody’s Heroes,“ December: “Star Light, Star Bright” January: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” February: “The Owl and the Pussy-Cat” March: “The Pasture” April: “Rope Rhyme” May: “The Swing”
4. Prayers. Please pray with your child(ren) and family each day. These are the prayers that the 1st Graders should know/learn: The Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Prayer Before Meals, and the Angel of God.
Specialist Schedule
Monday=Phy. Ed/Gym
Tuesday=Phy. Ed/Gym & Music
Thursday=”The Forge”(Science & Art)
Friday=”The Forge” (Science & Art)
Upcoming Events:
5/31 9:30-12:30 We will be going on a Field Trip to the Minnesota History Center. If you haven’t done so yet, please send in the Field Trip Permission Form that was sent home a week ago. Thank you!
6/6 Field Day: Please see the list below to see what color team your child is on, and what color shirt he/she should wear this day!
6/7 Last Day of School for this school year. Mass at 9:45am. Please join us! Dismissal will be at 11:45am!
Field Day, June 6th!!
Please find your child’s name below & what color/team he/she will be on. Please have your child wear a shirt the color of their team on Field Day, June 6th!
Red Team
Christopher & Lapoeku
Orange Team
Ku Nay H. & Ronan
Yellow Team
Jenny & Eh Plae S.
Green Team
Evan H.
Blue Team
Jasmine J.
Purple Team
June P.
Brown Team
Paschal M. & Julie S.
Black Team
Susena P.
Gray Team
Eh Moo S. & Sofia
White Team
Matilda & Wilbert