Ruhnke Review for 12/9/19
We are Learning About:
Reading: We have been working on our Rhyming, Onset Fluency (beginning sound), Blending words, Segmenting words, Letter Naming & the sound they make. We have learned the letters Aa, Cc, Dd, Ii, Ll, Tt, Rr, Nn, Ff, Pp, Hh, Gg, Oo, Bb, Mm. We have also been working on Language Awareness. and Isolating the Final sound in a word.
Math: We have finished Topic 8, so we are now on to Topic 9: Measurement.This topic has many vocabulary words your child will need to know. Please practice using these terms with your child at home: large, larger, largest, small, smaller, smallest, medium, big, bigger, biggest, size, as long as (same length as), as short as, as tall as, longer than, shorter than, taller than, longest, shortest, tallest, measure, estimate, check, holds more, holds less, empty, full, most, least, about the same, heavy, heavier than, lighter than, balance, weigh, weighs more, weighs less. We will learn several of these words each day, but I need you to help your child learn them, especially since there are so many. Thank you. Topic 10 is on Addition. You should start cutting the addition flash cards apart now!! We will begin Topic 10 after Christmas Break.
Religion: We will be learning about Advent—Mary said “Yes” to God.
Humanities: We will learn about, “Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Science: We will continue the unit on Matter: Solids, Liquids, Gases.
Star of the Week for December 9, 2019
Samaria B.
A couple of times a month we will have a Star of the Week student in our classroom. This entitles the student to be the line-leader, to lead the morning calendar routine, to share/tell all about him/herself by filling in a poster. This will come home about a week or so before they are the star. A letter will also be included with the poster explaining all the special things the student will have an opportunity to do.
November Reading Logs
If you have not yet returned your child’s completed November Reading Log, please do so. Thank you.
Memory/Sight Words
Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words every day, both reading them and spelling them.
a, I, to, the, in, it, is, at, as, on, and, you, be, of, we, for, if, do, he, she, me, my, us, up, an, am, by, or, go, no, so, see, all, but, can, not, are, his, her, was
Report Cards
Your child’s report card should have come home yesterday in the white folder. Please check to make sure you have received it.
Scholastic Book Orders:
The December book flyer went home on Monday of this week.. Orders are due by Monday, Dec. 9th. This is changed from Dec. 12th since Scholastic sent me information that the orders need to be sent in BY Dec. 9th to receive the orders before Christmas break. If you would like to place an order, the easiest way to do so is online. Use code RGVYW. If you would rather fill in your order using the flyer, please send it back to school with your child with a check or cash for the total.
Remember, Books make GREAT Christmas Gifts!!!!
Sing with Fr. Victor!!
ALL school children, please come sing with Fr. Victor at the 4:00pm Christmas Eve Mass!! If your child is able to sing with Fr. Victor, please fill in the yellow form in yesterday’s white envelope and send it back to school.
Cold Weather Information/School Closing
If Roseville Area Schools close because of the weather, then St. Jerome School will also be closed. School closings will be posted on the St. Jerome website and Facebook pages. On the radio, listen for ROSEVILLE school district. If they close, we close. Kids Korner is open on a space available basis. Call 651-771-1023 to arrange care.
Christmas Quilt
To Celebrate the uniqueness of each Kindergartener and the traditions of each family during the Christmas season, we are putting together a Christmas paper quilt. Each student should design a 9”x9” paper quilt square to represent their family and their holiday traditions. The quilt squares should be made at home as a family project. Have fun and be creative! The squares can be simple or fancy, but not bigger that 9”x9”. All designs or materials used should be glued down onto the paper. I suggest using some of the following materials: Cut outs from seasonal cards Ribbon Sequins/glitter Tinfoil Craft materials
Buttons * Photos *Bows Wrapping paper
Please return the finished quilt square by December 4th. The white paper quilt square was in your child’s Take-Home-Folder before Thanksgiving. If you need another paper quilt square, just let me know.
Specialist Schedule
Art & Library book return & check-out
Phy. Ed., Technology, & Music
Phy. Ed.
Upcoming Events:
12/5 Report Cards went home. Check the Thursday, White Envelope.
12/8 2nd Sunday of Advent
12/9 Advent prayer Service 9:45am in the school connecting hallway. Please come join us.
12/12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
12/19 Christmas Program: matinee is at 2pm and the evening program begins at 7pm. (This is a required program. All students must be at both performances). Students should wear their regular, mass/church day, school uniform for the 2pm performance, NOT the gym uniform. For the 7pm performance, students should wear their Sunday best clothes.
12/16 Advent prayer Service 9:45am in the school connecting hallway. Please come join us.
12/20 Polar Express Day!!! (More Information to come later-Watch/Read my Ruhnke Review).
12/23-1/3 NO SCHOOL-Christmas Break.
1/6/2020 School Resumes.
1/20 NO SCHOOL-Martin Luther King Day
1/21-24 Catholic Schools Week