Ruhnke Review for 1/20/20


We are Learning About:

Reading: We have been working on our Rhyming, Onset Fluency (beginning sound), Blending words, Segmenting words, Letter Naming & the sound they make. We have learned the letters Aa, Cc, Dd, Ii, Ll, Tt, Rr, Nn, Ff, Pp, Hh, Gg, Oo, Bb, Mm, Ss, Jj, Vv, Ww, Ee, Xx. We have also been working on Language Awareness. and Isolating the Final sound in a word.

The December Reading Logs were due on Monday, January 6th. If you have not yet returned your child’s completed reading log, please send it in ASAP. Thank you.

Math: Topic 10 is on Addition. You should have cut the addition flash cards apart by now!! You will need to be practicing with these to help your child master addition which can be quite tricky for many Kindergartner's. Vocabulary for Topic 10: number story, join, in all, altogether, addition sentence, add, plus sign, equal sign, sum.

Religion: We will continue learning about ”Forgiveness is an act of Love.”

Humanities: We will learn about, “Famine in Egypt.”

Science: We will continue the unit on Matter: Solids, Liquids, & Gases.

Star of the Week for January  27, 2020

Chueyim Y.

A couple of times a month we will have a Star of the Week student in our classroom. This entitles the student to be the line-leader, to lead the morning calendar routine, to share/tell all about him/herself by filling in a poster. This will come home about a week or so before they are the star. A letter will also be included with the poster explaining all the special things the student will have an opportunity to do.

Memory/Sight Words

Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words every day, both reading them and spelling them.

a, I, to, the, in, it, is, at, as, on, and, you, be, of, we, for, if, do, he, she, me, my, us, up, an, am, by, or, go, no, so, see, all, but, can, not, are, his, her, was, like, love, him, look, did, has, get, got, had, that, they, with, saw, say, sit, was

Do you want your child to be a great reader?

How do you become better at baseball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, football, or any sport? PRACTICE That’s right! Practice!

Research shows that children that read every day, become better readers and better students overall.

So, if you want your child to become a good reader they will need to PRACTICE!! Your child should be reading 15-20 minutes every day.

Scholastic Book Orders: 

The January book flyer went home on Thursday. Orders are due by Jan. 27th. If you would like to place an order, the easiest way to do so is online. Use code RGVYW. If you would rather fill in your order using the flyer, please send it back to school with your child with a check or cash for the total. Thank you!

Cold Weather Information/School Closing

If Roseville Area Schools close because of the weather, then St. Jerome School will also be closed. School closings will be posted on the St. Jerome website and Facebook pages. On the radio, listen for ROSEVILLE school district. If they close, we close. Kids Korner is open on a space available basis. Call 651-771-1023 to arrange care.


January 20-26, 2020

The Church parish gives our school a lot of support and help. This is one way for us to give thanks for all they do for us. Please come share our thanks with those who have given so much to your children, you, and all of us!!

Monday, January 20: NO SCHOOL-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Kids’ Korner will be open today, but you must call to make reservations! 651-771-1023.

Tuesday, January 21: Day of Service. Students wear their Gym Uniform. Kindergarten-2nd Gr. will walk to Rosoto Senior Living Home to play Bingo with the residents. Later in the day, all St. Jerome students will make placemats for Sunday’s Pancake Breakfast, and they will write “Thank You” cards to our parishioners for all their generosity helping with our school. Return your child’s permission form, please!!

Wednesday, January 22: Day of Faith and Family. All students should wear their Best Clothes for Free Dress, and it must be appropriate for school Mass at 9:45am. All families, relatives and friends are invited to join us. When mass is done, there will be a reception in the school with refreshments in the classrooms. Father Vic will be visiting the classrooms, also!

Thursday, January 23: Day of Gratitude. Kindergarten Students will wear their “Egyptian Costume” (don’t worry, they were made at school). So, students should wear a light colored shirt, white would be best. They should wear dark colored or plain white pants—no bright colors, please. There will be Special surprises throughout the day!!

Friday, January 24: Day of Competition: Wear your favorite team jersey or T-shirt. Games will be played today! Then we will leave to go Roller-skating at Saints North from 11:45-2:30pm! Lunch will be provided (Pizza and Pop). All Kindergarten students MUST bring a helmet (a bike helmet will do) to wear when rollerskating! Please send the helmet into school on Tuesday. Please make sure their name is in it. I will also need you to let me know your child’s shoe size so that we can get the right size roller-skates. Please send me an email or a note indicating your child’s shoe size. THANKS!

Sunday, January 26: Community, Catholic School’s Week Celebration and Pancake Breakfast!! Students will participate at the 10:30am Mass. The Pancake Breakfast will follow after both the 8:30am mass and the 10:30am mass. We strongly encourage you, your child, and family to come. Students should wear their school uniform!


Conferences are fast approaching. They will be on February 2nd and 3rd from 4-8pm. I sent out a parent conference survey in the Thursday folder. please return them to me by January 24th. Thank you!!

Tuition Accounts

We know how much of a sacrifice it is for many of our families to pay tuition to send their children to the BEST Catholic School in town! But, you make this sacrifice because you value the strong, Catholic, Christian Education, and the warm, nurturing, safe environment at St. Jerome School. Please stay current on your tuition payments. If you are not current on your tuition, you need to talk to Mrs. Anne Gattman to make a plan ASAP! All of us here at SJS count on you!! Thank you.

Application for Financial Aid (TADS Application)

It is critical that you complete a TADS application for the 2020-2021 school year if you wish to receive tuition assistance. Go too Our St. Jerome code is 23381. THE DEADLINE FOR COMPLETING TADS IS FEBRUARY 18, 2020!! Our St. Jerome School code is 23381 St. Jerome will be hosting two help evenings to help you fill out the TADS application. The dates are: January 23 from 4-7pm at St. Jerome School. February 6 from 4-7pm at St. Jerome School. These documents will be needed to complete the application: +2019 W2s +2018 Federal Tax Return (if you have your 2019 tax return, bring that with you). +Most recent pay stubs from all those working in the household. +Any business income documentation (examples include: Schedule C, Schedule E, K1, Form 1120, etc.). +Mortgage statement(s)/rent statement(s).

Specialist Schedule





Art & Library book return & check-out




Phy. Ed., Technology, & Music


Phy. Ed.


Upcoming Events:

1/20 NO SCHOOL-Martin Luther King Day

1/21-26 Catholic Schools Week (See above for all the information).

1/23 Financial Aid (TADS) help from 4-7pm.

1/28 WINTER BLAST OPEN HOUSE: 5-7pm. Preschool-8th Grade. Please tell your friends, and family to join us for Dinner, Ice Cream, Bike Raffle, Face Painting, and Classroom Activities!!

2/3rd & 4th Conferences @4-8

2/6 Financial Aid (TADS) help from 4-7pm.

2/18 Financial Aid (TADS) Due Today!!

Annette Ruhnke