Ruhnke Review for 5/17/21
What We are Learning:
Reading: We will continue to work on the “Groves” phonics that we have been doing since the beginning of the school year. It is getting much harder for many! Please help your child to “tap” out short words (no more than 4 letters). The word(s) should have a consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern, such as cat, dog, lip, bat, log, mad, fox, zip, mix, bad, tap, mat, etc… If it is a 4-letter word, then it should have a Digraph (th, ch, sh, wh, ck). Examples of words with a digraph are: that, what, shell, chin, duck-the ck digraph is always at the end of the word. Some words have 2 digraphs such as: which, church, and check.
Math: Chapter 12:Count, Write, and Order Numbers 11 to 20. Vocabulary: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, greater than, less than, equal to, before, after, between.
When done with Chapter 12, then we will go on to Chapter 13: Make and Break Apart Numbers 11 to 19. Vocabulary: break apart.
Please continue to practice addition and subtraction with your child. Without practice they will forget how to add and subtract and, as you know, they will need to know these math concepts for the rest of their lives. Thank you!
Religion: The Rosary, Jesus says, “Come Follow Me,” Jesus, Our Example
Humanities: Amenhotep IV and Monotheism, Reign of Tutankhamon
Star of the Week
Every Kindergarten student has had a turn being the “Star of the Week.” So, from now until the end of the school year, each Day there will be a different student as the “Star of the Day!” They will help lead the calendar and morning routine, they will be the line-leader, and they get to be my “helper” for that day!!
Reading Log
April Reading Logs Were Due On May 3rd
Please return them to me ASAP, please!
PLEASE stay on top of this. It is so important that your child is reading each and every day!! Thank you. The May Reading Logs will be due June 1st.
Kindergarten Mass-May 12th
Our Kindergarten Mass this past Wednesday, May 12th went fabulously!! The students did an excellent job of reading their parts, or helping out with different parts. THANK YOU, parents, for helping your child practice their reading part so that they felt comfortable and self-assured on the altar.
Kindergarten Round-Up is Rescheduled!
The Current Kindergarten Students WILL have school on Monday, May 17th, but will NOT have school on Monday, May 24th. All other students (grades 1-8) WILL have school.
I know you have been told that there will not be school on Monday, May 17th because of Kindergarten Round-Up, BUT due to recent positive Covid in the Preschool and the children needing to quarantine next week, Kindergarten Round-Up will now take place on Monday, May 24th.
So, The Current Kindergarten Students WILL have school this coming Monday, May 17th,
but will NOT have school on Monday, May 24th!
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm sure you understand.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office at #651-771-8494. Thank you,
We have a peanut (tree nuts) and cherry & strawberry allergy in our classroom. Please do not send any of these food items in your child ’s snack. Your child may bring these foods to school in their Lunch since we have a separate table for these students to sit at because of any food allergies they may have.
Send A Water Bottle, PLEASE!!
PLEASE send a water bottle to school with your child. Now that it is getting warmer (hotter) with the weather, the children keep asking to get a drink, but because of Covid, all drinking-fountains are not in working order. Students get hot and thirsty. Without having a water bottle, it is hard to get a drink, and the school can’t hand out paper cups to 160+ students many times per day. Thank you.
Memory/Sight Words:
Your child will have approximately four(4) Memory/Sight words to learn each week. Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words(4 each week) every day for 10 minutes, both reading them and spelling them.
a, I, to, the, in, it, is, at, as, on, and, you, be, of, we, for, if, do he she, me, my, us, up, an, am, by, or, go, no, so, see, all, but, can, not, are, his, her, was, like, love, him, look, did, has, get, got, had, that, they, with, saw, say, sit, any, ask, big, day, may, from, have, one, this, said, your, what, when, how, it’s, were, will, them, then, there, their, use, out, each, many, come, some, made, make, into, more, could, would, been, down, find, than, about, part, other, which, these, two, time, first, long, oil, write, word, called, number, people, water
Scholastic Book Orders:This will be the LAST Time to Order
The May/June book flyers will be sent home in your child’s Take-Home Folder early next week. Orders are due on Monday, May 17th. *This is early so that we receive the books in time before the last day of school.* If you would like to place an order; the easiest way to do so is online. Use code RGVYW. If you would rather fill in your order using the flyer, please send it back to school with your child and with a check or cash (in an envelope marked “Scholastic Book Order”) for the total amount due. THANK YOU!!
Special People Day(sometimes known as Grandparents' Day)
Wednesday May 19 @ 10am
We will have an outside program beginning at 10 am with a special blessing for our special people. Refreshments to follow. Guests will be invited to park and sit in chairs (bring your own lawn chair, please) in front of their vehicles. Our theme is: “Unmasking St. Jerome School: Who are We?” Song, readings, dance...all wonderful! Please plan to come.
Specialist Schedule
Tuesday=Phy Ed/Gym
Wednesday=Library & Music Movement
Thursday= Music & ”The Forge”(Science & Art)
Friday=Phy Ed/Gym
Upcoming Events:
5/17 There WILL be SCHOOL this day for the current Kindergarteners and all students. Sorry about the inconvenience this has caused. (Covid isn’t convenient no matter how you look at it)!
5/19 Grandparent/Special People Day!! 10am
5/24. NO SCHOOL-for Just the CURRENT kindergartners (All other students, grades 1-8 WILL have school) since I will be having next-year’s kindergartners here for “Kindergarten Round-Up”
6/1 8th Grade Graduation @6:30pm.
6/3 Field Day (Stay tuned. More Information to come soon).
6/4 Last day of school: 11:45am dismissal.