Ruhnke Review for 6/6/22
Dear Parents
Can you believe this will be the last Ruhnke Review??
Thank you for sharing your children with me for this Kindergarten school year. I am so impressed with them for all they have accomplished—academically, spiritually, physically, emotionally, & mentally. They have come a long way since that first day in Kindergarten!
I want to thank you, parents, for all your hard work with your children. I know what it is like to raise a child in today’s world. It is not easy! Please keep working with your child to make improvements and even more steps forward. Summer is the perfect time to do this!!
Monday, June 6th thru Thursday, June 9th, will be FREE DRESS Days!! Tuesday, June 7th, will be “Field Day,” so all students should wear appropriate clothes and tennis shoes with socks for outside running races, playing games, and going on the playground. NO sandals! Also, one, or some, of these activities includes water and the children WILL get wet!! Please send a second set of clothes , including SOCKS (they must have socks! to go on the bouncy house!), for them to change into.
Please make sure your child is dressed nicely on Wednesday, June 8th since we will go to church for mass the last time this school year. Thank you!
Send Backpacks
Please send your child’s backpack to school each day next week. There will be much for them to bring home and they will need their backpack. Thank you.
Reading Log
May Reading Logs were Due On June 1st
I will be sending a Summer Reading Log Packet home which includes the months of June, July, & August. Please continue to read throughout the summer. Mrs. Gattman will have a special something in the Fall for all students that participate in summer learning, just bring the completed summer reading packet back to school in September and give it to your teacher!! HAPPY READING!!
PLEASE, Send A Water Bottle, PLEASE!!
PLEASE send a water bottle to school with your child. This next week, June 6-9th we will be going outside more than we normally do, so the children will NEED drinks and a WATER BOTTLE. Because of Covid, all drinking-fountains are not in working order. Students will get hot and thirsty. Without having a water bottle, it is hard to get a drink, and the school can’t hand out paper cups to 180+ students many times per day. Thank you.
Field Day!!
Tuesday, June 7th is Field Day. Please make sure your child is wearing tennis shoes and socks! (NO Sandals), and comfortable clothes for outside running around. Also, send a second set of clothes WITH SOCKS (they MUST have SOCKS to go in the bouncy house!!) since they WILL get WET!! They will want to change when we come back inside the school. Thank you.
Make sure your child brings a water bottle! They will get thirsty and will want to get a drink. Our drinking fountains are not in working order because of Covid, so make sure your child has his/her water bottle!!
For Field Day all the students in the school are split up into mixed-grade-level-groups. Each group is to wear a certain color for their team. These are the teams/colors the kindergartners should wear:
RED TEAM: Sven & August
ORANGE TEAM: Alivea & Wilbert
YELLOW TEAM: Paschal & Po Nay Thaw
GREEN TEAM: Jasmine & Eh Plae Say
BLUE TEAM: Matilda, Ronan, & Christopher
PINK TEAM: June & Eh Moo Soe
GRAY TEAM: Mary & Ku Nay Htee
Memory/Sight Words:
Practice, Practice, Practice over the summer!!
Your child will have approximately four(4) Memory/Sight words to learn each week. Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words(4 each week) every day for 10 minutes, both reading them and spelling them.
a, I, to, the, in, it, is, at, as, on, and, you, be, of, we, for, if, do he she, me, my, us, up, an, am, by, or, go, no, so, see, all, but, can, not, are, his, her, was, like, love, him, look, did, has, get, got, had, that, they, with, saw, say, sit, any, ask, big, day, may, from, have, one, this, said, your, what, when, how, it’s, were, will, them, then, there, their, use, out, many, come, some, made, make, into, more, could, would, down, find than, about, these, two, time, first, here, just, little, where, went, want, very, way, our, who, why, yes, off, now
Next Year-First Grade
If your child is signed up for first grade at St. Jerome School this Fall, then I will not send everything home with your child. I’m sure most of your children have told you that I am moving to the 1st Grade with them, so I will be their teacher again for another year!!! I am so excited that I get to be a part of your child’s life for another year! So, I will keep any supplies your child already has here at the school if we will be using them next year.
Specialist Schedule
Monday=Phy Ed./Gym
Tuesday=Music & Phy Ed/Gym
Wednesday=”The Forge” (Science & Art)
Thursday= Music
Friday=”The Forge” (Science & Art)
Upcoming Events:
6/2 8th Grade Graduation @6:30pm.
6/6-9 Free Dress Days-see above for specifics.
6/7 Field Day —Wear tennis shoes with SOCKS (NO SANDALS) today and bring a second set of clothes with SOCKS since your child WILL get WET!! Also, bring a water bottle!!! The drinking fountains are not working because of Covid & your child will get thirsty!!
6/9 Last day of school: 11:45am dismissal. If your child rides the bus, know that he/she will be home early. If you pick your child up from school, please be on time and know that he/she will be outside by 11:45am!!