Example webpage update - Delete me later

I embedded a video from the web using one of the many options to author a blog post - I selected “video” and it wanted the videos URL (copy/paste) and save. Wah-lah! Super simple way to curate and share with students and parents.

Added another text block to the sample post, this just keeps going and going.

Below is a templated button that I added into your teacher page arsenal of tricks. I can pick between 3 sizes of button, left, center, and right justification, and it can be a link to the following

  1. An external website link

  2. A direct link to another page on this site

  3. Linked to a document download. Either a document that already exists on the site (if you know it’s file name) OR you can easily upload something from your computer. I recommend checking the box “Open a New Page” with this, that way the document opens in another tab.

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