Ruhnke Review for 3/16/20
We are Learning About:
Reading: We will be doing the “Daily 5.” throughout the rest of the school year! It is part of our Literacy block where the children go to 5 different centers relating to reading. The centers are: 1. “Read to Self.” 2. “Read to Someone.” 3. “Word Work.” . 4. The fourth center is called “Listen to Reading.” The Fifth and last Center is the “Writing” center.
We have been working on Phonics by learning Rhyme Production, Blending Phonemes, Isolating Medial (middle) sounds, Substituting Initial Phonemes, and Deleting Phonemes. We continue to learn Onset Fluency (beginning sound), Ending Fluency (ending sound in a word), Blending words, Segmenting Phonemes, Adding Phonemes, Letter Naming & the sound they make. We have learned all the letters of the alphabet.
Math: We will practice our adding, subtracting, and money this week.
Religion: We will learn about ”Holy Week”
Humanities: We will learn about, “ The Plagues in Egypt”
Science: We will continue learning about Magnets!!
Star of the Week for March 16, 2020
Prince Y.
Prince was out ill most of the week that he was supposed to be the Star, so this week he will be Star!! This will be the last of all the students getting to have a week all their own. Then, I will have one student, most days, be the “Star of the Day.” So, they will be the line leader and help with the morning calendar routine.
Memory/Sight Words
Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words every day, both reading them and spelling them.
a, I, to, the, in, it, is, at, as, on, and, you, be, of, we, for, if, do, he, she, me, my, us, up, an, am, by, or, go, no, so, see, all, but, can, not, are, his, her, was, like, love, him, look, did, has, get, got, had, that, they, with, saw, say, sit, any, ask, big, day, may, from, have, one, this, said, your, what, when, how, it’s, were, will, them, then, there, their, use, out, each, many, come, some, made, make
Scholastic Book Orders:
The March book flyers were sent home in your child’s Take-Home Folder on Wednesday. Orders are due by March 30th. If you would like to place an order; the easiest way to do so is online. Use code RGVYW. If you would rather fill in your order using the flyer, please send it back to school with your child and with a check or cash (in an envelope marked “Scholastic Book Order”) for the total amount due. THANK YOU!!
All School Open House
We will be having an All School Open House on Wednesday, March 18th . It will begin after mass (around 10:45) until 3pm. Come and see what is happening in our school and our classrooms! Please tell your family and friends about St. Jerome School and how much you love it here! Let them experience the magic themselves by exploring our school while the halls and classrooms are alive with the hustle and bustle of the students, teachers and staff all doing what they do best: working hard and loving God!
Outside Clothing
Parents, please make sure your child (ren) is still wearing/bringing winter, outdoor clothing to school for their recess time. There is plenty of snow on our playground and the weather is still cold-especially that wind! They should still have snow pants, boots, coat, hat and mittens on. THANK YOU!
Kids Korner/Child Care
Kids Korner will be open for care during our spring break: Friday, March 20 & Monday through Friday, March 23-27. If you haven’t done so as of yet, please call Kids Korner ASAP at 651-771-1023.
Specialist Schedule
Art & Library book return & check-out
Phy. Ed., Technology, & Music
Phy. Ed.
Upcoming Events:
3/12 Report Cards should have come home.
3/16 Lenten Prayer Service at 9:45 am in the connecting hallway of the school. Please join us!
3/17 Saint Patrick’s Day. Students may be out of uniform if dressed in green!!
3/18 After mass, there will be an All School Open House until 3pm!! Please come and see what is happening in our school and classrooms. Also, please let your family and friends know so that they may come and join us!!
3/20 Teacher/Staff Workshop. NO SCHOOL for students.
3/20-3/29 SPRING BREAK!!
3/30 School Resumes.
4/1 Kindergarten Open House-4-6pm for all those parents that have a child that will be in Kindergarten next Fall, 2020-2021 school year.
4/3 Living Stations of the Cross. Please join us in the Church at 2pm. Fish Fry tonight at 5:00pm!! Please come and share a meal of delicious fish!!
4/10 NO SCHOOL-Good Friday.
4/12 Easter!!
4/13 NO SCHOOL-Easter Monday.
4/25 Party with a Purpose!! : Better Together! 5:30-10pm. This is St. Jerome’s biggest fundraiser so we hope many of you will attend. It is a fun, casual evening to eat, drink, and support our school. Please join us!! Tickets on sale in the office.