Ruhnke Review for 2/7/22


What We are Learning:

Reading/Phonics: We have been working on our Rhyming, Onset Fluency (beginning sound), Blending words, Segmenting words, Letter Naming & the sound they make. We have learned the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Vv, Ww. Xx, Yy, Zz We have been working on Language Awareness and Isolating the Middle sound in a word. The middle sound is one of the most difficult for Kindergartners, so please work with your child on this. Say a word, then have your child say what sound they hear in the middle of the word. For example, say “cat,” your child should repeat the word then say what the middle sound is—/a/. Also, we have been learning to “Tap” out words. This is exciting since they will need to know this skill to figure out words they do not know. For example, using your thumb and fingers, to tap out the word ‘mop’ your child should tap the /m/ using their thumb and pointer finger, the /o/ using the thumb and middle finger, then the /p/ using the thumb and the third or ring finger. They would say each letter sound then blend it together to form the whole word! Practice this at home with your child. The more they do this, the quicker and better they will become at reading!! Please encourage your child to write the letter(s) the correct way so they will not have to relearn them. Thank you.

Reading-CKLA: We still continue learning about Short Stories. Some recent stories that we have heard are: “The Story of Jumping Mouse, Parts 1 & 2,” & “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” Next we will read, “Tug-of-War.” We are enjoying listening and discussing these stories! We still continue to say/sing the Nursery Rhymes we learned since we LOVE them so much! We don’t want to forget them, so please, continue saying/singing them with your child!

Math: We just finished Chapter 10 on Addition so, TAKE OUT THE ADDITION FLASHCARDS, (they are behind the Memory/Sight Word Flashcards in the bag I gave you back in August), and practice daily! Also, TAKE OUT THE SUBTRACTION FLASHCARDS (they are with the Addition Flashcards). We have begun Chapter 11: Subtraction Within 10. Vocabulary: take away, left, take apart, subtract, minus -, subtraction sentence, subtraction pattern. After Chapter 11, we will go on to Chapter 12: Count, Write, and Order Numbers 11-20. Vocabulary: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, less than, equal to, greater than, before, between, after, order, count.

Religion: 1. Forgiveness is an Act of Love 2. Prayer 3. We will learn about the Mass. 4. Lent 5. Stations of the Cross.

Humanities: We will learn about: 1. “The Exodus”. 2 . “The Ten Commandments” 3. “Amenhotep IV & Monotheism” 4. “The Reign of Tutankhamon.”

Star of the Week for February 7th is:

Mary W.

Star of the Week for February 14th is:

August S.

Star of the Week for February 21st is:

Yazeed K.

A couple of times a month we will have a “Star of the Week” student in our classroom. This entitles the student to be the line-leader, to lead the morning calendar routine, to share/tell all about him/herself by filling in a poster. This will come home about a week or so before they are the star. A letter will also be included with the poster explaining all the special things the student will have an opportunity to do.

Reading Log

The January Reading Log was due Tuesday, February 1st. If you have not sent your child’s completed reading log in, please do so ASAP! The February Reading Log will be due Tuesday, March 1st.

Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book Orders for this month will be DUE February 22nd. The fliers came home with your child last week in their Take-Home-Folders. If you need another one, please let me know.


We have a tree nuts allergy in our classroom. Please do not send any tree nuts in your child ’s snack. Your child may bring these foods to school in their Lunch since we have a separate table for these students to sit at because of any food allergies they may have.

Memory/Sight Words:

Your child will have approximately four(4) Memory/Sight words to learn each week. Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words(4 each week) every day for 10 minutes, both reading them and spelling them.

a, I, to, the, in, it, is, at, as, on, and, you, be, of, we, for, if, do he she, me, my, us, up, an, am, by, or, go, no, so, see, all, but, can, not, are, his, her, was, like, love, him, look, did, has, get, got, had, that, they, with, saw, say, sit, any, ask, big, day, may, from, have, one, this, said, your, what, when, how, it’s, were, will, them, then, there, their

THANK YOU for the Wonderful Conferences!!

Thank you, parents, for coming to your child’s conference. This is your child’s life!! I’m sure you want to know what is going on in your child’s school life and this is one way for you find out about him/her. To your child, this is soooo important. They want you to know who they are, what they are doing, and what they are learning. This shows them how much you care about them. So, again, THANK YOU!

Dress For the Weather

Please, parents, make sure your child is dressed appropriately for outside recess. They need to have the correct outerwear at school. Students go outside for recess every day unless it is raining, below 0 degrees, or the windshield is below 0. So, PLEASE make sure they have on ALL 5snow boots, snow pants, hat, waterproof mittens/gloves, and a winter coat/jacket. Miss Eh Blu and I gave every Kindergarten student these items if they didn’t already have them. So, please make sure they are bringing these 5 items to school every day! THANK YOU!!

Valentine’s Day

We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 11th. Please take some time with your child to make a Valentine box. Please help your child decorate the box that I sent home with your child any way that they like! Please let me know if your child did not bring a shoebox home and you need one. I do have more. Your child may bring the completed/decorated box back to school on either Wednesday, Feb. 9th or Thursday, Feb. 10th, Please, don’t bring it back to school any earlier. Be creative. Use construction paper, tissue paper, buttons, stickers, beads, noodles, cheerios, clothe, ribbons, etc. Make sure your child’s name is on the top of the box, and it is big enough for everyone to read it. Also, make sure there is a large enough slit on the top of the box for the cards to fit in. Have Fun!!

If your child plans to bring in valentines for their friends, they must bring one in for each student in our classroom. We don’t want to leave anyone out or have hurt feelings. (You can find a box of valentines for your child to give to others at the Dollar Store for $1.00). There is a list of all the students in our kindergarten class below the “Upcoming Events.”

Also, if you would like to send in a Valentine treat for your child to share with the class, there are 16 students and 2 teachers!! Thank you!

100 Day!!

Our 100th Day of Kindergarten will be on Friday, February 25th. We will celebrate by doing many things related to 100! Next week, I will be sending home a baggie attached to a Letter, in your child’s Take-Home-Folder. Please help your child think of 100 items that will fit in the bag (examples: cotton balls, marbles, paper clips, etc.), to bring to school and share with the class what they brought. Please have your child bring their 100 bagged items into school no earlier than Wednesday, February 23rd. Thank you!

Specialist Schedule

Monday=Phy Ed/Gym

Tuesday=Phy Ed/Gym & Music

Wednesday=”The Forge”/Science & Art/Humanities

Thursday=Music & Library

Friday=”The Forge”/Science & Art/Humanities

Upcoming Events:

2/2 Groundhog Day!!

2/4 Archbishop Hebda will preside at 9:45am Mass today. Please come to celebrate with us!

2/11 We will celebrate Valentine’s Day!

2/21 NO SCHOOL-President’s Day

2/25 100th Day of Kindergarten!!!

3/2 Lent Begins

3/11 NO SCHOOL-Teacher Inservice

3/12-3/20 NO SCHOOL-Spring Break!! Enjoy, Relax, Have FUN!!

Kindergarten Students

  1. Wilbert S.

  2. June P.

  3. August S.

  4. Jasmine J.

  5. Ronan S.

  6. Mary W.

  7. Christopher M.

  8. Matilda L.

  9. Eh Plae S.

  10. Yazeed K.

  11. Po Nay T.

  12. Ku Nay H.

  13. Eh Moo S.

  14. Alivea H.

  15. Sven C.

  16. Paschal M.

Annette Ruhnke