Ruhnke Review for 11/22/21
What We are Learning:
Reading: We have been working on our Rhyming, Onset Fluency (beginning sound), Blending words, Segmenting words, Letter Naming & the sound they make. We have learned the letters Aa, Cc, Dd, Ii, Ll, Tt, Rr, Nn, Ff, Pp, Hh, Gg, Oo. We have also been working on Language Awareness and Isolating the Final sound in a word. This last concept is very difficult for many students, so please work with your child on this. Say a word, then have your child say what the final sound is in that word. For example, say “game,” your child should repeat the word then say what the final sound is—/m/. Please encourage your child to write the letter(s) the correct way so they will not have to relearn it. Thank you.
Math: We will begin Chapter 7 after Thanksgiving: 3-Dimensional Shapes. Vocabulary: two-dimensional shape, three-dimensional shape, flat shapes (2-D), solid shapes (3-D), rectangular prism, cylinder, cone, sphere, cube.
I’m sure you have noticed that your Kindergartner has been coming home with some math papers already done. These papers are from their math books that we do in class together during the math lesson. My helper, Miss. Eh Blu, has graciously taken it upon herself to separate all the papers from the books so this way your child can bring them home to show you. This will also help you to look at what we have done for the day and see how it was done so that you can help your child with their homework!
When we finish Chapter 7, then we’ll go on to Chapter 8: Position and Location. Vocabulary: above, below, top, middle, bottom, over, on, under, inside, outside, beside, in front of, behind, next to, left, right, between.
Religion: 1. Thanksgiving, 2. Advent (1)-Preparing Our Hearts and Homes, 3. Advent (2)-Mary Said “Yes” to God, 4. Advent (3)-Joseph, Jesus’ Father on Earth, 5. Advent (4)-Christmas is Jesus’ Birthday!
Humanities: We will learn about, “God’s Covenant with Abraham,” Then, “Hagar and Ishmael,” “Sodom & Gomorrah,” “Birth & Sacrifice of Isaac,” “The Middle Kingdom in Egypt,” “Joseph as a Slave,” “Famine in Egypt,” '“The Twelve Tribes of Israel,” Second Intermediate Period in Egypt,” “ Code of Hammurabi.”
A Time to Say Thank You
This is a great time for me to say, “Thank you” to all you parents that work soooo hard with your children. Without you, your child would not learn very well. They count on you to take the lead. They are watching and listening to what you do and say. Nothing gets by them, so please be a good example and do as Jesus would do. THANK YOU, parents, for all the time and hard work you put in to helping your child succeed. I can tell, and am so proud of all the Kindergartners!!
Star of the Week for November 29th is:
Eh Plae S.
Star of the Week for December 6th is:
Matilda L.
Star of the Week for December 13th is:
Wilbert S.
A couple of times a month we will have a “Star of the Week” student in our classroom. This entitles the student to be the line-leader, to lead the morning calendar routine, to share/tell all about him/herself by filling in a poster. This will come home about a week or so before they are the star. A letter will also be included with the poster explaining all the special things the student will have an opportunity to do.
Reading Log
November Reading Logs are due Wednesday, December 1st. The December Reading Log is coming home today with your child.
Dress For the Weather
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately especially for outside. They need to have the correct outerwear at school. Students go outside for recess every day unless it is raining, below 0 degrees, or the windshield is below 0. So, PLEASE make sure they have on ALL 5—snow boots, snow pants, hat, waterproof mittens/gloves, and a winter coat/jacket. I tell the children that they should be wearing all of this to keep warm; not just when there is snow. Also, PLEASE label or put your name on all clothing, boots, etc.. If your child’s name is not on the item, I don’t know whose it is & neither does your child. I always ask the children first if it is someones. If nobody claims it (and that’s usually the case) & there isn’t a name in/on it, it is then put in the “Lost & Found” area in the hall on a shelf. You also may want to have your child leave a pair of shoes at school so that they will always have them here. Students have to wear shoes in the classroom. They are NOT aloud to wear boots in the classroom as they are wet & dirty & then the carpet gets wet & dirty, etc You are also welcome to have your child leave a pair of boots or snow pants or any other clothing item here at school so that they don’t have to carry them back and forth and potentially forget or loose them. THANK YOU!!
To celebrate our Rake-A-Thon class goal of 100% participation, Kindergarten students may wear pajamas to school on Tuesday, November 23rd! Also, The entire student body will play Turkey Bingo Tuesday, November 23rd in the afternoon to celebrate making our school goal of all students (100%) participation!! The Kindergartner’s Eighth Grade Buddies will play with them so that they can help the little ones! It is sure to be a fun time!!
We have a tree nut allergy in our classroom. Please do not send any of these food items in your child ’s snack. Your child may bring these foods to school in their Lunch since we have a separate table for these students to sit at because of any food allergies they may have.
Water Bottles:
Please send a water bottle
to school for your child. Since the drinking fountains are not in use (because of Covid-19), if your child has a water bottle, we do have a water-bottle fill station. The ONLY liquid students may bring to school is WATER. NO Kool-Aid, no juice, no flavored water, no pop/soda, no Gatorade, etc. Make sure to put your child’s name on their water bottle!
Memory/Sight Words:
Over Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks would be a great time to work on the Memory/Sight words, especially if your child is behind! Your child will have approximately four(4) Memory/Sight words to learn each week, (As long as the school week is 4-5 days long). Memory/Sight words are words we find in every sentence we read. Students must know these words to be able to read a sentence. Students should memorize these words, NOT sound them out. Please practice these words(4 each week) every day for 10 minutes, both reading them and spelling them.
a, I, to, the, in, it, is, at, as, on, and, you, be, of, we, for, if, do he she, me, my, us, up, an, am, by, or, go, no, so, see, all, but, can, not, are, his, her, was, like, love, him, look, did, has, get, got, had, that, they, with, saw, say, sit, any, ask, big, day, may
2021 Christmas Program-December 16 @ 6pm!!
Due to COVID-19, our Christmas program is going to be OUTSIDE in the parking lot again, like it was last year! We are going to have Parking Lot Carols with St. Jerome School. December 16 beginning at 6:00, cars will be parked in the lot, tuned to a special FM frequency. Our 8th graders will share the Nativity story from the Gospel of Luke and our classes will lead all of us in carols. Don't worry...we'll have song sheets for you. We're inviting the parish too. Let's look forward to a beautiful night of song and celebration! More details as the evening approaches.
Specialist Schedule
Monday=Phy. Ed./Gym
Tuesday=Phy Ed/Gym & Music
Wednesday=The Forge (Science & Art & some Humanities
Thursday=Music & Library (make sure your child brings back the Library book they checked out)!
Friday=The Forge (Science & Art & some Humanities
Upcoming Events:
11/23 Turkey Bingo at 2:30-3:30pm!!
11/24-11/28 Thanksgiving Break!!! (Don’t eat too much turkey)!
11/28 First Sunday of Advent
12/1 November Reading Logs are due.
12/3 End of First Trimester.
12/6 Feast of St. Nicholas
12/8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a holy day of obligation.
12/9 Report Cards come home. Look for the report card in your child’s blue Take-Home-Folder today.
12/16 Christmas Program Outside in the parking lot at 6:00pm!!
12/17 Polar Express Day!!! SHHHH-Don’t tell the Kindergartners please! I’d like it to be a surprise!! (More Information will come later-Watch/Read my Ruhnke Review for this).
12/18—1/2 NO SCHOOL-Christmas Break.
1/3/2022 School Resumes
1/17 NO SCHOOL-Martin Luther King Day
1/18 NO SCHOOL-Teacher Workshop/Training
1/23—29 Catholic Schools Week
2/1 Conferences 4-7pm